

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Our Son's thoughts on Santa

Our son has now started to tell us a few things about Santa.

1- he doesn't want him to come and bring him presents because he only wants us to bring him some.

2- He doesn't want Santa to come because he doesn't want to be woken up by the Reindeer when they land on the roof.

3-He claims that he will stay up all night to wait for santa and catch him coming down our wood stove and putting presents under the tree.

Our son has been and needs to work on having patience. Santa seems to have figure this out as he came by our home early this year and dropped of a few gifts for our son.

Our son and I were not home just daddy. Daddy said that Santa told him that our son couldn't open any until Christmas Day.

When our son saw that he came he didn't believe until i check the mail today because I forgot to do it yesterday and there was a letter for santa that came yesterday when he dropped by.

Now our son believes.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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