

Friday, January 28, 2011


My son likes to shock me and surprise me.

Just when I am about to think that my child may need extra help when he goes to school as I ask him for the hundredth time what is the color of something and I had told him dozens of times what it is and he still doesnt give me the right answer I wonder.

I have been working on numbers and letters and weather and days of the week with my son this past month. So far my son is beginning to write his name and is starting to draw a person with a head. eyes, a mouth, and arms and legs coming out of the head. Its cute.

Today at First Steps (a mother and child program where you go and hang out and have a half day structure class with snack (a free service)) my son and I were building a boat as its transportation theme he grabs letter stickers and grabs a K. He runs to me and says,"Mommy letter k like me Kat". Than I had pointed the rest of the letters in his name and he was able to tell me the letters in his name. At home I asked him to spell his name to me and he did.

Now I have a question. I am very proud of him but WHERE in the world did he learn this from

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